Miletus was connected to Didim on a 24 km long sacred road in ancient times. Now Milet is reached by Didim-söke asphalt. Before you come to Söke, when you see the Miletus sign on your way and turn right, you are in front of the ancient city. The city, which has a history dating back to 2000 BC, became very rich since 650 BC and established 90 colonies in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. In 546 BC, it came under Persian rule with the Lydians. They declared a war for freedom against the Persians in 490 BC, and when they were defeated, the city was destroyed by the Persians and completely burned to ashes. The city was re-established after the Persians were defeated in the Battle of Mykale in 479.
Miletos was a port city at that time. It was very advanced in science, art and commerce. In the second foundation of the city, the geometric plan of Hippodamos, who is considered the architect and the first city planner of history, intersecting with right angles was applied. When we look at the cities that develop irregularly and unplanned today, the plan applied 2500 years ago creates wonder. The great philosophers of the history of philosophy, Thales, Anaximandros, were brought up in Isidoros Mile, the architecture of Hagia Sophia.
Its 140 meters wide and 30 meters high theater with a capacity of 15,000 people is still visited today as a magnificent structure. The gallery and seating at the back of the stands are in very good condition.
Two of the four columns of the emperor's lodge are still standing. The ruins covering a large area next to the theater belong to the Faustina Bath. It is in a very solid condition with its Palaestra (Sports area). The sculptures found here are in the Istanbul Archeology Museum. Behind the city walls adjacent to the bath is the Temple of Seapis. Since the original of the agora was smuggled to the Berlin Museum, we can only see its foundations. Exiting the northern gate of the Agora, the remains of the holy cemetery adjacent to the churchyard of the Episcopal Church are seen on the right. A 100-meter long ceremonial road stretches in front of the agora. There were shops on the side of the road. BC II on the side of the road. YY. Its structure, the Gymnasion, was restored and resurrected. At the eastern end of the Ceremonial Road is the port gate. In the Sanctuary, there are two temples with the goddesses of fertility, Demeter, in Korea. The statue of the nun Nikeso found here is in the Berlin Museum. The columns erected in place of the Temple of Athena, which was built on the hill to the south of the Agora, the important structure of the city, are impressive. We can only see the base of the temple. The reliefs with depictions of Tantı are in the Istanbul Museum.
There are also houses among the important works to see in Miletos. Some belongings were also found in the houses, which were considered to be in very good condition according to their age. There are also structures from the Seljuk period in Miletos. Isa Bey Mosque (1404) attracts attention with its marble workmanship. There are also remains of baths. There is a restaurant, a buffet tea garden and a toilet around the ruins. When we complete the tour, you should stop by the Miletus Museum on the way to Didyma. Some of the statues and coins found in the surrounding area are exhibited in this museum.